organizational CLUSTER

Social Media

The Social Media (SM) Staff manages all of The GUIDON’s online platforms, including The GUIDON, GUIDON Sports, and Vantage Magazine. They oversee the publication of digital content to ensure that everything released online is of the utmost quality. As the Truth grows hazier amid a turbulent digital landscape, SM’s commitment to the accurate dissemination of journalistic stories remains more steadfast than ever. On top of this, SM actively searches for online patterns that can help amplify The GUIDON’s digital presence by ensuring accurate, truthful, and continuous online engagements for the publication. Moreover, staffers make use of their data-driven insights to assist The GUIDON’s writers and designers in ideating and improving their content, keeping the Ateneo community and beyond updated on stories that matter to them.

Other Staffs

Writing Cluster

Organizational Cluster

Design Cluster