Forward with the Truth.

The GUIDON COA RecWeek 2024

August 27 to August 30

This year, The GUIDON marks its 95th founding anniversary with a mission to Forward with the Truth.

As such, advancing the causes of society’s marginalized members is crucial in the publication’s bid to carry the Truth forward.

Writing Cluster


At the forefront of The GUIDON, News is committed to keeping the Ateneo community updated through reporting and documenting all relevant events and issues within the Higher Education undergraduate community. Writing for News entails unraveling the truth behind pressing campus concerns and responding through print and online stories. Serving all Ateneo sectors, News staffers are expected to think critically and creatively to produce newsworthy stories without sacrificing quality, credibility, and ethics. On top of this, News staffers should be proactive and quick on their feet when it comes to writing and searching for possible stories.


The concept of sports transcends numbers and recreation. It is a haven for unscripted storylines, unlocked personalities, and an increased platform for everyone involved in the industry. In its pursuit of the truth, the mission of The GUIDON Sports is to bring all of these mentioned elements into the screens and broadsheets, providing its audience with engaging stories that are both entertaining and relevant to the Ateneo and Philippine contexts. More than the final score, The GUIDON Sports remains committed to giving a platform for the Atenean athlete, showcasing the ins and outs behind each Ateneo sports team while remaining steadfast in consistently bringing each game to every Atenean student, fan, and alumni.


As The GUIDON’s investigative arm, Inquiry is dedicated to unmasking covert realities within the Ateneo and Katipunan. The staff seeks to bring prevalent and deep-rooted phenomena closer to the Atenean sensibility through data-driven and humanized narratives. With the goal of delving deeper into the truth, Inquiry staffers must be dauntless in writing critical stories that matter to the Ateneo community. They must aspire to be effective writers determined to probe relevant issues through in-depth analysis and empathetic storytelling.

Beyond Loyola

Through its timely reportage of diverse and underserved realities outside the University, Beyond Loyola situates the Filipino in their local and global contexts through careful analysis of the cultural, political, and economic forces shaping the state of our nation. As such, the staff seeks to maintain constant social awareness and spark relevant discourse in matters relevant to the Filipino and, in particular, the Atenean, as they become individuals for and with others.


Dedicated to telling human-centric stories, Features delves into phenomena rooted in the underlying nexus of the private and public. The staff probes into personal accounts in its commitment to documenting existing sociocultural realities and contexts in a manner that is relevant in both concept and effect. As the staff aims to humanize society’s cultural trends, Features staffers endeavor to creatively convey narratives through impactful storytelling grounded in experience. In their pursuit of truth, staffers strive to bring underrepresented and sidelined voices to the forefront of public discourse.

Vantage Magazine

As The GUIDON’s campus culture arm, Vantage Magazine is an online publication made for and by the Atenean. The staff highlights the vibrancy of student life and local culture within and beyond Katipunan by covering the latest trends in food, film, music, and the arts. Tapping into the endless potential of digital storytelling through engaging multimedia content, we take journalism into the 21st century—away from pretense and towards accessibility. The magazine is committed to becoming the go-to source of compelling stories, inviting discussions, and imaginative pieces on campus culture and beyond. With a balance of creative expression and responsible storytelling, Vantage Magazine is the homepage of the Atenean.

Broadcast News

Through the use of the audio-visual medium, Broadcast News aims to amplify voices and capture human-centric stories ranging from interesting trends to relevant social issues. In pursuit of innovative forms of storytelling, the staff’s productions include voiceover reports, interview series, live coverages, and short-form content. As the face and voice of The GUIDON’s on-screen appearances, the staff’s nature is highly collaborative with the other staffs within the publication. Reporters are trained to be creative storytellers to hone their multimedia literacy through writing scripts, crafting media outputs, interviewing key experts, and reporting on breaking stories within and beyond the Ateneo.

Science and Technology

Answering the call of a highly-modernizing world, The GUIDON’s Science and Technology (SciTech) staff brings science communication to the forefront of local and campus-based journalism. As the publication’s scientific arm, SciTech focuses on relevant digital, medical, academic, and environmental trends, as well as their implications on the community within and outside of the Ateneo’s contexts. As the staff ushers itself into the publication’s storied Writing Cluster, SciTech is dedicated to establishing itself as one of the leading sources of science information and news as they unfold in the Atenean’s lived realities. Staffers brave the technical nature of science writing and go out and beyond to report pressing issues, making them accessible and comprehensible to the Filipino.

Organizational Cluster

Social Media

The Social Media (SM) Staff manages all of The GUIDON’s online platforms, including The GUIDON, GUIDON Sports, and Vantage Magazine. They oversee the publication of digital content to ensure that everything released online is of the utmost quality. As the Truth grows hazier amid a turbulent digital landscape, SM’s commitment to the accurate dissemination of journalistic stories remains more steadfast than ever. On top of this, SM actively searches for online patterns that can help amplify The GUIDON’s digital presence by ensuring accurate, truthful, and continuous online engagements for the publication. Moreover, staffers make use of their data-driven insights to assist The GUIDON’s writers and designers in ideating and improving their content, keeping the Ateneo community and beyond updated on stories that matter to them.

Human Resources

Serving as the internal affairs arm of The GUIDON, the Human Resources staff empowers its staffers to promote member welfare and development in the publication by spearheading internal initiatives. Such activities include training, feedback management, member integration, and events management. Human Resources provides avenues for growth and development in the publication, empowering the many writers, designers, and managers in their journalistic craft. With the aim of actively cultivating an inclusive and conducive working environment in the publication, the staff ideates events that foster deeper levels of camaraderie and contribute to the internal health of the organization and the well-being of its members.


As the project management and external relations arm of The GUIDON, the Externals staff brings forward the publication’s advocacies to different sectors and communities within and outside the University. We work toward expanding The GUIDON’s reach and impact through the ideation and execution of projects, the establishment of sustainable external relations, and the efficient circulation and archival of the publication’s issues. Externals staffers are dynamic, proactive, and detail-oriented team players. They are expected to think quickly and creatively when ideating and executing projects, as well as engaging with stakeholders. Through the collaborative nature of Externals’ work, staffers will have the opportunity to further hone their skills in project management, communication, external relations, and critical thinking.

Research and Development

The Research and Development (R&D) Staff is The GUIDON’s consultative and analytical arm driving the publication’s success and innovation. Aligned with the commitment to Forward with the Truth, its mission is to enhance operational efficiency, support the Writing Cluster with robust data, and harness the power of data analytics and engineering to optimize the publication’s internal process. Joining the R&D Staff means gaining valuable skills in data analysis, problem-solving, and strategic thinking, all while playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of The GUIDON and its commitment to truthful journalism. Members will be at the forefront of innovation within the publication, developing and implementing strategies that improve its overall impact and efficiency to adapt to the evolving demands of modern journalism.

Design Cluster

Graphic Design

The Graphic Design staff aims to capture present-day stories within and outside of the Ateneo’s confines through illustrations, layout design, and other visual content. In collaboration with the rest of the publication, the staff is in charge of creating dynamic press broadsheets and diverse multimedia graphics. As visual storytellers, the Graphic Design staff has the duty to connect with The GUIDON’s readers beyond words, whether in print or online. Illustrators and layout artists work hand-in-hand to fulfill their mission of strengthening the publication’s visual journalism. They bring stories to life and capture an audience by creating artistic interpretations of different perspectives. In an effort to create compelling narratives, the staff produces multimedia graphics, exuding contemporary realities through illustrative communication.


The Photos staff is The GUIDON’s premier photojournalistic arm, manned by visual storytellers who aspire to shed light on today’s vast social realities. Its staffers take photographs that capture the human experience, bringing the truth to life. Alongside the rest of the cluster, the staff plays an integral role in visually engaging the audience through purposeful and skillful photos documenting significant events encompassing Ateneo culture, as well as important issues beyond the campus walls. The Photos staff aims to be at the forefront of student journalism by amplifying the stories of communities within and beyond the Ateneo. The staff achieves this responsibility of capturing the Truth by being human-centric photojournalists who use creative and impactful visual storytelling to chronicle events relevant to the community.

Video Production

The Video Production staff is at the forefront of the publication’s shift to multimedia journalism. They are responsible for creating storyboards and producing videos that captivate viewers with impactful storytelling and cinematic videography. They bring the narratives that matter to the community within and beyond the Ateneo through their video outputs, taking them on a visual journey across a wide range of stories—from deep investigations to lifestyle features. The Video Production staff produces projects through their Content Strategists and Technical Producers, who collaborate to turn ideas into concrete outputs that aim to amplify the voices of sectors in the University and society. They also work alongside other staffs’ writers, photographers, and designers to ensure a seamless integration of visuals and content in an effort to deliver a compelling story. By combining their expertise in videography techniques and attention to detail, the staff releases videos that engage viewers and offer a platform for diverse perspectives.

Digital Development

The Digital Development staff provides an avenue to innovate Philippine campus journalism through the production of powerful, visionary, and meaningful interactive articles. In collaboration with the publication’s writers, photographers, videographers, and designers, the Digital Development staff creates an immersive experience for readers through the innovative use of various multimedia forms. In doing so, the staff acts as a training ground for budding digital designers and developers who are committed to pioneering journalism into the 21st century. The Digital Development staff also maintains The GUIDON’s websites and improves their relevance and usability as online platforms. Grounded in user experience, the staff’s work paves the way for The GUIDON’s cutting-edge modernization and innovation, efficiently helping readers sift through the noise of a polluted online environment and arrive at the stories that matter to them.